Being a grown-up means you own your own life including what you inherited and all of the decisions and choices you have made.

Being a grown-up means you own your own life including what you
inherited and all of the decisions and choices you have made.

You may not have come from a rich or educated family, or a calm and nurturing one. You couldn’t choose to be born in a prosperous and safe country versus a war-torn or oppressed one. It is a fact that no one can choose where or to whom they were born.

If you were born into a family who tried their best to give you a roof over your head, food to eat and education, consider yourself extremely fortunate as most of the worlds’ families are not able to provide for this. Much of the world and in the U.S. live below the middle-income level (which also contributes to other challenges such as lack of healthcare, increased stress and anxiety, substance abuse and so forth). You may have experienced many or all these challenges and have accumulated anger, anxiety, insecurity, substance abuse or other defensive or escape behaviors.

Many of these behaviors are the root cause of your inability to achieve personal happiness and financial security. This is because these behaviors are opposite to ones that support a successful mindset. Instead of being open to learning new things, you may be scared to take on new things because that action was punished or not supported during your upbringing. Same goes for making mistakes: you may have been overly scolded for every wrong thing you did, thus creating anxiety to always be perfect or to not do anything that you don’t have a 100% guarantee of the outcome, in other words, an extreme fear of failure (yet we know that making mistakes is essential to learning and becoming successful). Thus knowing this fact, you must release all anger and resentment you hold based on your origins and upbringing….again, these were situations and environments that were entirely out of your control. It doesn’t mean that your upbringing or your environment didn’t contribute to shaping you (good or bad), it absolutely contributed, but you must have a clear understanding that they were not in your control. Therefore, you have try your best to let go of the resentment you are holding on to from that period. Holding on to it doesn’t help you, in fact, it only holds you back from releasing the stress from your body and moving forward with more energy and a clearer mindset. It is forgiving but not forgetting. Rather, use what you experienced to change and improve the rest of your life for the better. Many successful individuals have also suffered from tough childhoods and harsh experiences but were able to use the strength they gained through those experiences to move forward toward a better life.

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