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When things are tough, it’s just a test to see if you can handle more responsibility and the success that comes with it. Endure and overcome.
Feel happy about the good decisions you are making every day as each will propel you forward. Your daily decision-making has a direct and cumulative effect on the course of your life.

Whether it’s your customers, friends or family, don’t ever forget those who helped you. Appreciation doesn’t cost you a cent, but a lack of appreciation can cost you everything.
Stop making excuses for why things are not going well. The circumstances may be true, but so what? It happens to millions every day. Success is constantly getting up and trying again.

Things will be ok.  Bad times never last. When you feel like you’re in hell, keep walking until  you leave hell, don’t stay there.
A person can rise up from poverty, and a person can also destroy their own wealthy family. It’s not how you started, it is how you end. Live your life honorably.

Be okay to be alone.  You need time to talk with yourself on serious issues and you need to be able to live your life with or without others.

Be helpful and kind when at work, at home and with friends. You will be amazed how this simple act propels your life forward.
Anger is a normal feeling but taking revenge is not.  Always take a breather to calm your mind, understand what angered you and figure out how to best handle the situation for all involved.

At the end of the day, it comes down to who is doing the hard work and making the tough but right decisions every day for the company and personally. It will show and it will be rewarded.
The majority of happiness is merely a state of mind. You can find joy in the simplest of things. Your body doesn’t know the difference between a joy that costed money or none at all.

Don’t try to dull, mask, deny or bury emotional pain. Pushing through and understanding this type of pain is an important step in learning what is hurting you. Only then can you overcome it.
If you are striving to get promoted or to become a respected leader in your circle, don’t be a complainer, be the one to come up with the solutions.

Project positive energy.  The entire world, down to the tiniest sub-atomic particle in your body, is truly just energy. Positive energy heals.

Being a grown up means that others should be able to depend on you.  Develop yourself to be responsible and independent so that you can help others -- not burden others.
Financial responsibility is integral to gaining more freedom and becoming an independent adult.

Keep pushing on. Don’t give up. Accomplishing anything requires a consistent and dedicated work ethic.  Rome wasn’t built in a day, a tree doesn’t grow overnight.
Be a good person even when no one is around.  You spend most of your time with yourself.  What kind of self do you want to live with?

The sun always rises. This consistency is what sustains and develops all life on earth.  You too need to rise everyday and develop consistent positive behaviors to grow yourself.
Don’t run away from tough situations.  It only makes you stronger and builds your ability to handle whatever comes your way.

Tomorrow will be better because you will have another chance to try again. Keep trying and you will eventually get it. Never give up.

You are turning a new leaf and trying to do better. You will falter on some days -- it’s okay.  Things are hard until it’s not (trying it again until you get it is how we learn). Successful people are disciplined.
Patience.  You must learn to have patience.  Change takes time.  Stay calm and trust in the growth process.

Don't try to understand the actions of others. Expecting those around you to treat you right means expecting that they are highly developed successful individuals -- which most are not.  Correct your understanding of this and you'll find your thoughts alleviated.
Being a grown-up means you stop trying so hard to impress others (it is a waste of your precious energy). Instead, think about the next good decision you will make to improve yourself.

Treat others kindly. Make them feel comfortable and included. When they feel this way around you, they will gravitate to you. Most do not know this simple law of attraction and behave in negative, defensive or arrogant ways and lose the love, admiration and trust of others over time. Do not copy poor behavior even though you may be surrounded by it. Create a reputation of being a kind and trustworthy person.
Don’t seek attention, fame or fortune as a primary goal.  Strive to develop yourself first into a confident, kind, trustworthy and hard-working individual and those things will come.

Life is hard, it is like a job.  You need to have the skills to handle it or you will do poorly. It is vital to learn basic skills such as: how to get along with others, how to manage your finances, and how to make rational decisions.

In order to move forward, you need to truly forgive yourself and others for past mistakes, but at the same time, you must also make a commitment to never make those mistakes again.
Wake up everyday with a renewed commitment to do better than yesterday.  Start by making your bed, doing a few stretches, eating a light but nourishing breakfast and telling yourself "I've got this" before starting your day.

Growing up means you learn to control your actions. You don't act on your emotions, you act on rational thinking.
Life is fluid and ever-changing. Be adaptable, accept change, learn new ways of doing things...don't tread in one place.  That is how you will survive and eventually thrive.

It's never too late to start improving the rest of your life. Everyday is a fresh new start. Just make one new and better choice each day. The benefits are cumulative and substantial over your life time.
Stop comparing yourself to others.  Everyone is on their own path. It's not where you are right now, it's where you will be one day. Start now.

Don't follow others blindly. You are the CEO of your life and you need to make smart, informed and disciplined decisions about all aspects that affect you.

You are not perfect and no one expects you to be.  However, knowing this truth means you should always be open to learning new things or how to do things differently.
Only you can climb the mountain, no one can do it for you.  If you choose to wait, you will wait forever.  What do you have to lose?  it only goes up from here...

Being a grown-up means you own your own life including what you inherited and all of the decisions and choices you have made.
Maturity is understanding that change comes only from you.  Stop depending on others to make things happen for you.

The path to success will not be laid out for you. Rather the path is a culmination of many small steps (good daily decisions) moving you in the right direction.
Your brain controls how your body feels.  Choose to see the positives in a situation and your body will immediately feel better.

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