Image of forest with the words "Ready to get the parenting tips you never got?"


You couldn’t choose your parents — it is a fact. So deal with it.

Rich family or poor, born in a good country or bad — you couldn’t choose that either. So accept it.

But one thing you can control is understanding the above simple facts, which will lead you to understand a key point: that you have likely missed some very good parenting advice during your formative years. Understanding this point is the key to understanding how you can change the direction you are going in your life and forgive the past things that were truly out of your control (or your parent’s control).

It’s understanding where you are in the marathon of life. For example, were you born with intelligent and patient parents who advised you well and taught you how to be kind and love others? If yes, then perhaps you were given a 5 mile head start on this marathon of life. Or were you left on the doorstep of an orphanage? Perhaps you grew up moving from one foster home to another, or were part of a military family moving from one location to the next. Using the same marathon metaphor, those situations may have placed you right at the starting line of the marathon. Illustrating further, someone who was born into an abusive family perhaps would be starting way behind the starting line.

Understanding the situations we were born into helps us understand both the gap of knowledge we need to bridge in our lives to achieve a productive and happy life, as well as, the special advantages you may have due to your unique upbringing. If you can understand where you started and also understand that you had no control over that (truly understanding that you couldn’t pick where you were born and to whom) you can start the healing process to forgive the past hardships and start the learning process to reprogram your mind to get back on the most productive path for yourself.

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