The path to success will not be laid out for you. Rather the path is a culmination of many small steps (good daily decisions) moving you in the right direction.

The path to success will not be laid out for you. Rather, the path is a culmination of many small steps (good daily decisions) moving you in the right direction.

The path to success, especially phenomenal success, is never a clear blueprint of steps. If it were, everyone would follow it. If you understand this, then don’t wait around for someone to pave that path for you. In reviewing the many successful people in the world (and by success, we mean both financially and personally — we’ll get into this more later), success is a result of making a many small good decisions throughout their lives.


Making good decisions, whether it is making your bed every day, eating in a healthy manner, saving your money, maintaining good hygiene, being an honest person, all contribute to having a successful life. Think about the executive who works hard, makes a lot of money but doesn’t take care of his health and dies early…this is not success. Or the person who only thinks about health and exercise but has no money saved to pay for medical bills for an accident or for repairs to their home….this again is not success. Or further, a person who has a successful career and maintains their health, but has no time to spend with their family and friends…is also not success. As you will soon see or have already noticed, truly successful people have well-balanced lives, and if they weren’t well-balanced, you will see that many start to find that balance later…which is essential to living a happy and fulfilling life.


So what you need to understand is that if you feel unsuccessful, you probably are only looking at one or two facets of success (for most, it is financial). However, you may already have many of the facets of a successful life but you do not recognize it. These would be things such as good health practices, being a kind and honest friend and employee, being a good father or mother, being a good son or daughter, and so forth. So don’t discount where you are as you likely have many of the building blocks of a successful life. However, we need to boost up the areas that you may not be doing as well.


Many of the successful people you see today can pinpoint a person (a parent, a boss, a friend, other) who gave them key advice that directed them toward making the right decisions during their lives. You may not have had the good fortune of such great advice and as a result, have made some poor choices in your life. What would your life have been like today if you didn’t make those poor choices?


Thus, your life is a culmination of many daily decisions. You may have been fortunate to have had a parent teach you what is right and wrong, or you may not have. You may have been lucky to have a teacher take an interest in you to push you to do better in school, or you may not have. Thus, you can see that some people were lucky to get good advice and coaching….you may not have.


So let’s start now. Let’s start by being deliberate in making the right or better choice in the things we do daily. For example, start your day by choosing a more nutritious breakfast (skip the donut and make a quick bowl of instant oatmeal), instead of buying another outfit or gadget, save that money (more about making better financial decisions will come in a future lesson), instead of lying on the couch or bed streaming a movie or tv show, go on the treadmill to watch it or do stretches and exercises while watching it (notice we didn’t say to quit watching your favorite shows…although that would be ideal, but let’s take baby steps), and get one more hour of sleep a night. You will be amazed at how much just a few better decisions every day will improve your life and lead you to making even more correct choices in your life. Make enough good decisions and you will be fortunate to live a wonderful and fulfilling life with enough money to take care of yourself, enjoy good relationships with everyone around you, be able to contribute to your community, have the respect of your family and friends, and the good health to live long life. Don’t just float through life on auto-pilot (your auto-pilot has not been trained with the proper skills). Take an active approach and be the pilot of your life by taking the first step…..making better decisions on your everyday tasks. You will be amazed by the outcome over time!

Watch for our weekly posts. Continue reading our short lessons on various topics and enjoy the journey to a better life!

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